Las vegas
city schools
Testudo Engineering was a the engineer of record and sub-consultant to an Architect for this project with the Las Vegas City Schools. Mechanical and electrical systems engineering were 98% of the project scope. Our scope was to review six (6) schools in the district for the mechanical system upgrades. The schools ranged in size and types of system. Testudo Engineering was asked to provide recommendations for repairs, upgrades, direct digital controls (DDC) and energy efficiency in the schools. Projects were run concurrently under one contract and the contractor. Project involved work while school was in session.
design scope
After the report outlining our recommendations and our opinion of probable construction costs, the client decided to proceed with five (5) of the six (6) schools as one (1) project. Testudo Engineering analyzed each system and as built the systems at each school. These systems ranged from gas fired heating units, built up mechanical indoor and outdoor evaporative cooling systems, and campus wide boiler systems. Testudo engineered new upgrades which included smaller, energy efficient boiler systems, modifications to existing systems, and designed DDC systems for each building. Unforeseen conditions included old buildings and hidden conditions based on the age of the buildings.